High Blood Pressure
The following is primarily recommended for mild-moderate cases:
Recommendation (can take 1-3 months for effect)
- 1-2 tbsp ground flaxseed (linseed) daily, can be spread out during the day, e.g. add to porridge, cereal, yoghurt, soups, smoothies.
- Reduce salt intake, exercise more.
- Hand-grip exercises: using a hand grip exerciser, stress ball or rolled up socks, squeeze firmly for 5s then release, repeat 12 times, then do the same with the other hand. Repeat 3 times per week.
- Handful of mixed nuts (unsalted) daily.
Note: avoid nuts if allergic. Flaxseed must be ground, which is commonly available in shops, or grind seeds with a coffee grinder.
Results: studies show these options could lower blood pressure by as much as medication. For better results try more than one of the above, more the better.
How it works: improves blood vessel health and reduces inflammation.
Side-benefits: these changes may also reduce risk of cardiovascular disease and stroke. Regular consumption of flaxseed is also associated with lower cholesterol and diabetes risk and may aid weight loss.
References: healGB.com/hbp
Feedback: if you try this approach and would like to provide feedback of your experience please email: feedback(at)healGB(dot)com