Heartburn / Acid Reflux
(sometimes called GERD)
Try only having two meals earlier in the day, with fluids only taken in-between meals, and no snacking. In one study this cleared reflux symptoms in 75% of cases, improved 10% and made no difference in 15%. Other tips include:
- Lose weight, stop smoking, limit alcohol intake.
- Try to find ways to relax and reduce stress.
- Avoid foods that trigger your symptoms
- Do not eat within 3 or 4 hours before bed.
- If you suffer symptoms at night, elevate the top end of your bed slightly so your head is raised when sleeping
- Do not wear clothes that are tight around your waist
- Chew non-mint gum for 30mins after meals
- Eat more fruit/veg and less rich/fatty/spicy foods
Note: if symptoms persist see your Dr.
How it works: adopts healthier eating habits and improves digestion in general.
Side-benefits: improved digestion may lead to better absorption of nutrients in the gut.
References: healGB.com/heartburn
Feedback: if you try this approach and would like to provide feedback of your experience please email: feedback(at)healGB(dot)com